さて、2016年9月に北京にて初の個展《This is not a Mis-hearing game》を開きました。de Sarthe Gallery というフランス系アメリカ人がオーナーのギャラリーの北京スペースでの展示です。草場区にあるとても閑静で洗練された素敵なスペースです。この展示には準備期間にも多くの方々の応援があって、特にキュレーションをしてくださったFengBoYi(冯博一)さん、スポンサーをしてくださったZhuhai Meizu Telecom Equipment Co .,Ltd .(魅族手机)に感謝します。
今回の個展を通して、作品を展示数だけではなく、プレス、キュレーション、カタログデザイン、空間の設計など本当にチームワークだと実感し、協力してくれたみなさん、特にギャラリーの Vincent de Sarthe , Neesa, PYM, Catherine, Duffyありがとうございます!今回の作品はサウンドを含めたヴィデオインスタレーションなので、写真では実感がわかないかと思いますので、現在記録したビデオをYou tubeにアップする予定です。

展示会場風景 -1


作品局部 《This is not a Mis-hearing game》

江上越Egami Etu作品 《This is not a Mis-hearing game》

江上越 作品局部《This is not a Mis-hearing game》

de Sarthe gallery 外観



アート北京創始者の董夢陽(DongMengYang 董梦阳)(右)

芸術批評家のZhuQi 朱 (左) 写真家の王国峰(右)

魔晶石 magician-spaceのオーナー 曲科傑(曲科杰)とアーティストの友人 王光楽(王光乐

中国芸術院副書記の李樹峰先生 熱心に耳を傾けてくれました。






コレクターの周大為 (David Chau)

キュレーターの方敏児(Fang Ming Er)

de Sarthe gallery 外観-2
Name of Work: This Is Not a Mishearing Game
Origin of Creation
Language is a means to transmit information, and also an obstacle of information transmitting.
What I am doing is probing humanity through tracing the origin of language for the purpose of feedback to society.
If the failure of Tower of Babel in the Old Testament is attributed to the communicative obstacle between different languages, the mishearing and misunderstanding may lead to more disputes and misfortune. This kind of misfortune may even be misheard and misunderstood again, and thus forms an unresolvable circle.
My works on this exhibition is a comprehensive one composed by a group of videos of mishearing games displayed on little screens and some videos of social disputes displayed on background walls. From the origin of language, I probe the meaning of communication through these overlapped videos.
A Group of Videos of Mishearing Games displayed on little screens:
The little screens hanging on the wall are displaying the videos of mishearing games. The so-called “Mishearing Games” is to communicate by using a language others do not understand, just interpret the meaning of the voice by intuition. This is “MISHEARING” (E.g. The pronunciation of the word “Yada” is similar to that of duck egg in Mandarin or that of “OK” in Sichuan Hua, a dialect of Sichuan Province, China.). Such kind of random results of mishearing is out of expect and always make an embarrassing effect. If this kind of mishearing happens in real world, it may cause a crisis or tragedy.
A Group of Videos of Social Disputes displayed on background walls:
Project the image or video of global disputes to background walls on which the group of little video games are hanged. I choose 3 groups of such portfolios.
1. Disputes, indicating the relations between disputes and verbal communication.
2. Some places of historic interest and scenic beauty related to these disputs, and probing people’s opinion to these places.
3. Sea. Probing the disputes, changes and mishearing again from the angle of eternal of heaven and earth.
The obstacle of communication origins from the expectation to communication
Feng Bo Yi
Ms. Egami Etsu is is a Japanese girl, and as foreign student, studies in the oil painting school of the Central Academy of Fine Art. Study in foreign country is a sort of communication between different regions or different cultures, but also a global phenomenon of migration of survival and creative space of artists. This kind of existence with variety, fluidity and uncertainty is not only a concept of movement on the aspect of physical space, but also a generation of creative idea and its expression in language which will provoke the thinking to the migration and the change of the new living environment. So, the temporary artistic creation and the judgment or review to temporary art cannot be simply defined as a temporary derivative from a local or traditional culture. It should be viewed more as a result of understanding, communication and clash between local culture and foreign culture. By means of painting, video and mishearing games, the artistic creation of Ms. Egami emphasizes the concept and meaning of communication, reposes to the change of times and the conflict of civilizations and verifies the phenomenon that verbal communication may cause obstacle or even crisis. With the help of multiple media, her works displays a unique expressive means and narration. Hence, the cultural meaning of these works reflects rather a current reality we are facing in her works and our truly experience to it than her personal preference.
When the cyber culture is increasingly impacting our daily life, it changes the way we communicate before. During the process of communication, we spend more and more energy on using images than using verbal language. At the same time, artificial intelligence provides suffice biological and technical conditions to the suitable users. One example is the youth generation’s resistance to reading and their preference to using images or emoticons directly. This will make us acquire information or learn the world no longer solely by language, and make us face, judge and process a large quantity of information invaded by multiple realities.
The appearance of a new media opens a new way through which we can learn the world and communicate with others, and also will create some new type of human conducts. The cyber language provides a communication cardinal for the youth generation. It may have terminated the dominance of verbal language, may lead to the transformation from obstacle of verbal communication to the simplicity of directly expressing by image. Will the misunderstanding and mishearing in verbal communication be replaced by emoticons in the cyber language? Will the Babel Tower fall or not? Or “No emoticon, no dialogue!” will prevail? If the answer is “yes”, what will the art does in such a future where the previous experience and imagination will be easily surpassed? As a different choice of personal art creation, no matter by which means or media, it is still an artist’s expression that rooted in the personal experience and judgment to living environment. Is this a truth? It may be complicated and it depends upon different artists, or it cannot be simply distinguished by “yes” or “no”. Because the radical change of times happens much more abruptly and subtly than our imagination reaches.